The online events calendar and ponderous thought generator of Student Life QUT

Monday, December 26, 2005

Welcome, Gerbils

Hello everyone, and welcome to the inevitable migration of Student Life to blog form. Such is the viral capacity of blogs that they have taken over much of what is technically my life.

On this blog, however, comments will be disabled and contributions will be made only through me - Luke Harris. My promise to you is that it will usually be updated more than once a week to give you thoughts to ponder and events going on in the Student Life social calendar. This year is shaping up to be huge for Student Life at QUT, so socials is gonna be huge to match. Any contributions you would like to make (Events, advertisements for prayer triplets, invitations to drop in at your house if bored on a certain night) simply need to be sms'ed to me on 0401 066 817 and I'll add 'em in.

C'mon Student Lifers, get socially active - community is something which is sorely lacking in today's society, let's be the ones to bring it back with a God-focussed vengeance.
